Saturday, January 8, 2011

Welcome Friends!

Welcome friends and fellow members! As most of you know from the title of this blog, its about getting club penguin fixed! Do you remember when Club Penguin used to be fun and simple? Without all of these "Members Only" stuff? Now all Disney cares about id the money. They may try to look good about Coins For Change and all that, but It's really coins for cash. Cash they can force people to pay while they sit back rich and happy, while people that dont have one of those money printers in their home, cant even play the game! Why, just last night, (yes seiously last night and this is true) I had a dream about the old cp. The good cp. Where people could actually play a fun game in peace. If you still dont belive me, LOTS of other people say this! They say things like.

- All Disney Cares About is the Money

-I liked the old club penguin better, I wish Disney wouldn't have bought it.

-I quit club penguin forever.

-I hate you disney.

Very sad. Huh? Exactly! And heres EVEN MORE PROFF that Disney only wants money! There was thing called icp that came out, it was pretty much a club penguin private server that allowed you to get any item FREE! You could say anything and the creators could put in their own rooms and stuff. You know, pretty much club penguin but just without the sick, twisted, BORING stuff that happens in it. Anyway, Disney threatened to sue! Yes, Sue theese poor innocent kids that were just trying to help other children by giving some good free fun!

Anyway heres what you can do,

- Follow this blog and check back often!
- Tell everyone!
- And Tell CP how you fell about what they are doing.
- You can even quit cp for a few days or weeks or months! Or, If ur real serious, until they change their ways, quit cold turkey!!

Together we can all create a big enough bang that will drop Disney until they start caring about other people than themselves!
Thak you Friends.
You care, for freedom and justice.

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